mapleroyal vote. Hello, I have an NL account I want to sell in MapleRoyal. mapleroyal vote

Hello, I have an NL account I want to sell in MapleRoyalmapleroyal vote Advantages: There is a gap in the 'market' for a low rate v83 server

There's also a number of players that have gotten items from banned RWT players. This link shows you which versions of maplestory included what content (thanks Liam. 2. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Here is the full list of items currently available from the Gachapon, along with their rates. Restart your comp then try to run MapleRoyals. . However I think its not a good idea to shift this timer. Moeyuki, Jul 7, 2020 #7. For me, I left a memo for them if I am holding the character IGN in the same account. Dong, Apr 29, 2023. Once this happens, no one is allowed to attack monsters or loot items unless you allow. WorldTour. V. By just click the “Vote” button on this page, you will receive NX. A lot of the conversation revolves around legendary spirit, but there is a desire to overhaul the entire player-ws interaction. -What will make ppl want to vote if vote2win system is gone? Can we provide something for the players, something that is untradeable yet wanted. 6 mages PePe 11000hp 20000hp MAP: Elnath Ice Valley 2 View attachment 163123 Prepare: 6Mages (recommend FP ,cuz IL blizzard quest is a hell. mapleroyal. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Art, Screenshots and Multimedia Share your Maple Royals artwork, signatures, banners, gifs, screenshot galleries and videos!I voted corsair but it brings tears to my eyes seeing at least 8 ppl voted for Drk. VOTE FOR NX EVERYDAY. Head to the MapleRoyals homepage, and click on Vote For NX. Changed Night Lord’s Shadow Shifter to evade attacks at a 30% chance up from. If you’re an avid player of MapleRoyals, you know that voting for your in-game characters is an essential part of progressing and earning NX, the in-game currency that can help you buy the items. illibis Has perfect Red Craven - 91 ATK. Spoiler: Click here to start troubleshooting. No pay-to-win or vote-to-win, so you'll feel assured knowing that your hard work pays off. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. your accounts are user1, user2, user3, user4. With 5 billion HP and deadly attacks, in comparison, Horntail has only 2. If use the same computer as another player without following the above you will continue to have problems. 5k NX) or the Maple Rewards Shop (2. This will allow you to obtain 8,000 N X in total, per day. This library is here to give you accurate information regarding monster drops and equipment information. MapleRoyals Auto Vote is a safe and easy-to-use tool that helps you earn free NX by automating the voting process on gtop100. The ~mapowner command is designed to prevent KSing in maps. Using Tor to vote on each account should be the solution, I use it all the time. Don't believe me? Check this out. Nightlords have amazing DPS and can be lazy whilst bossing. I got around 78,556,549 exp (from 51. one who's touched the sky. Items below are for sale 32TMA EARRINGS - $35 50TMA SHIELD - $350 38TMA GLOVES - $250 33INT OVERALL - $20 19INT CRIMSON CLOAK - 25 10WA FS - $95 13WA PINK CAPE. Should I buy AP reset scrolls and sell them to save meso? How should I sell it? Like asking in the market place? 2. It just seems very very unlikely since a lot of the community is touched by this subject. The issue seems to mostly be affecting Boss runs and highly populated maps. Take a look at my equipment list on another thread if you are. Male. You could try contacting them about it. MapleRoyals v0. Even then, NX can be earned for free simply by voting for MapleRoyals on the gtop100 server rankings every 24 hours, completely eliminating real money from the economy. Stock is replenished mainly at 22:00 - 01:00 server time. You don't have to stick to voting to one account. I tried voting yesterday and I wasn't able to and today as well, I tried and it failed. 3. Update 87. Total accumulated NX can be a nice counter bonus! Our pro devs, please? - useful links -. For level 100-120 some people have been grinding himes, although the majority do as you say just buy leech at ulu/petri/skele/duku. dll file and replace the old one in. wonderful pet owner. OldOwl, Mar 21, 2023. Server Information. . - How to register an overseas user account -. Hello, Just as the title states, I've been having issues completing the voting process on the Gtop100 website. Click on "Test Run". . This gives a sense of value to the mesos. I know I put the same poll on the facebook group page, but I will take the results from here. The goal is to remove the daily pressure of memorizing to vote for MapleRoyals. halfwaysleet • 1 yr. Please be aware that, in cases of severe abuse as per the discretion of Staff, we reserve the right to respond with a permanent ban regardless of if it is your first offense. Closed vote problem. #3 and #4 sections need some rework - geist rog is apparently immune to paralyze too, removed paralyze from suggested mage skillsMessages: 588. 83%) We I got a total of 39 totems and used a total of 338 PEs, considering I was looting all the etc's and pots. Join us now as we celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with a spectacular event. Just make sure you only vote for one, every 24+ hours. Click here to read more on our features. Before the suggestions to the points, an important suggestion to help party runs to run more smoothly, I suggest making mounts work in dojo. Very pog site. Theres nothing to do man. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The search bar on the left hand side can be used to search for item names. 出題順や選択肢がランダムで、規約についての問題の為内容を理解する必要がある様なので、英語の. Jumping is no. We should have 2x vote for at least few days or something like that. About the video card, check that it is in the most up-to-date state. Closed Can't click "Vote for MapleRoyals". But when u don't like it just play another char cause u can sell ap resets or test your luck with gachapon! You can run, but you can't hide. Yellow, black. After those 4 quests, you'll get some potions, town scrolls and 2,685. The Admins have looked over your case and have determined the number of times you extra-voted warranted a permanent ban. All area bosses have randomized timers. Joined: Oct 5, 2017 Messages: 8,095 Likes Received: 9,019I can go through to the vote page through the maple royals vote page but when I go through the capture to prove im not a bot it says i have already voted. Joined: Jul 19, 2015 Messages: 13 Likes Received: 2 Gender: Male Country Flag: Level: 128 Guild:-Hello Don't you think that the maximum level on the server should be. It keeps asking me to try again in xx amount of hours when in actual fact my 24 hours. However, after exiting the game, i cant find the launcher on desktop or in the Mapleroyal file(C Drive) Do i need to re-run the set up again and run the launcher? Or how can i permantly create a shortcut launch on desktop? Itscold, Oct 8, 2023 #3. While we pride ourselves as an old school server, we still make a continuous effort to make adjustments to the game for better gameplay purposes, as we believe not everything on the base game. Additionally, there is a time limit of 1 hour to defeat Von Leon, making it a true end-game content. We will need to come to an agreement on the server version. Thank you!One of the +2 perfect daggers I bought, I passed a 30 without ws so I only used ws for the last 4 slots. automation maplestory mapleroyals. Particularly that Malaysian player that got banned recently, it was an obvious case of language barrier. Country Flag: Allthough I am +1 ST, therefor its very easy for me to "vote before going to bed. . MichaelMK. Dong, Feb 1, 2023. I've yet to reach the end of game of DreamMS, but it is so lively. Decreased AP gain after first rebirth. Royals has always been vote-2-win since you buy gacha tickets with NX. Plenty ~ 200 Bishop. My girlfriend and I live together and play MapleRoyal, I used to vote for my account by my home WIFI and vote for hers by my Iphone internet 3G/4G, it used to be work, but start from yesterday when I vote for her by my phone it doesnt work and says I had to wait for another 24 hour as the same as my. Corsairs are the best BF killers if they know the right distance and timing. Offline Kai Donator. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. Economy. 1,273. GETTING STARTED. so a total of 16k nx wasn't given to meIf no one else plans on making one, that's going to be my next project. A little extra info from my party members: 170 hero got 41% total, 196 BM got 10% total and 195 BM got 10% total. . ML events are usually skipped/combined or heavily delayed, whereas MR events are usually on time - but they. eg. - Minimum level to APQ is 40, however, it's recommended that most of the party is lvl 120+. taoooyi Oct 24, 2023. Please note that although the listing Meso amount is 1b, the price is $15 per 1,000,000,000 Mesos, not $1. mapleroyal account sale mapleroyal mule mapleroyals mapleroyals accounts mapleroyals apr mapleroyals bishop mapleroyals bucc mapleroyals corsai mapleroyals nightlord; Replies: 0; Forum: Maplestory Private Servers; T. Mapleroyals Fastest (Legit) HT run. By other side, DreamMS seens trying lots at this part, such lots new class, maps, and system. Things I like: Smooth gameplay Drop rate/exp is reasonable Free market looks active Good amount of free nx2021 Cincinnati elections. perpect sky ski 190$ red chrismas. You can register your account using the following methods. Country Flag: About 4 months ago I have been using Express VPN to avoid regional disconnection and laginess without encountering any issue. Joined: Jan 23, 2023 Messages: 9 Likes Received: 0MapleRoyals V. Intense and Raony like this. There is a command In Game that lists it all! try ~command or ~commands. MapleRoyals Vote Assistance (Unofficial) This program automates the voting process for MapleRoyals as much as possible. B87/B88/C90 etc are just the percentage written as a decimal. currently hour or less, because im returning to the game so maybe in a few months 1-3 hours a dayIn my opinion. Everyone on the staff team (to my knowledge) want positive changes to the white scroll UI just as the players do. No more low effort v83 remakes! Kaizen v92 is the perfect blend of the classic nostalgic Pre-BB that we all know and love, but with modern playability. All Area Bosses in MapleRoyals! Please note: Respawn times do not match GMS to avoid continuous NX and scroll farming. These classes are reliable and deal consistently great damage. You, as an individual, may only vote once per UTC day. Corsair will easily beat the other classes in most bosses except Bigfoot where bucc is probably the best, or multi target bosses where Hero/Drk are the best. Note: After you click the “Vote” button , you don’t actually need to click the “Please click here to vote” link to redirect you to the vote server page to receive NX. Further vote abusing will most likely result in a permanent ban. 給覺得自己練不到4轉的玩家:. okay, so I think a gm gave me my nx for yesterdays voting, but this is the 3rd time its happened. 125bx6 (105 daggers)+1. Classes The classic Warrior, Magician, Bowman, Thief and Pirate classes. 這是私服MapleRoyal的帳號 因為不方便透露太多關於帳號的訊息 所以資料不多 等級:141 職業:主教(谷龍2下 天怒20 剩22技能點 9等楓葉祝福 法攻吃藥過1千)25m = 5%. SHOWA - Sky skis, Yellow cape, Red cape, 60% gfa/int scrolls. Hi recently my cousin has created a mapleroyal account at my place but when she got back to her place and got to level 15 she was unable to vote on her computer and it said she had already voted in the past 24hours. Choose from a variety of wacky characters with even wackier weapons and duel to see who is the bowmaster! Mapleroyals bishop guide, tutorial, step by step. All 3 of them are pretty vote to win. 4. 2 percent of the vote. What is vote abusing? You are vote abusing when you vote with more than 1 account per 24 hours. Enables one to withstand even the harshest of conditions. Your Character Names: GunHoGun, Ranoa, Mushpop Last thing you did: Just advanced to 4th job, doing Battleship Canon quest Why do you think you got. A vote history page can be introduced in account profile. I wanted to play Maple Royals because of its challenge, got a great sense that it had an amazing community. We advise you to not use your real name, address, age, contact information, or any other information which may be used to identify your real person,. Lastly, set up your left and right mouse clicks. Done. Some drops are from the boss itself, and some are from. Welcome to my chair guide. The Great Gachapierrot (also known as the Gachapon) dispenses all kinds of items in exchange for Gachapon and Remote Gachapon Tickets, including androids, mounts, chairs, scrolls, equips, and more. Thread. Dave Deviluke, Shnang and KWJ like this. Country Flag: It is possible that the requirements for MapleRoyal may be higher than what your laptop can meet. mapleroyal mesos mapleroyals mapleroyals accounts mesos mapleroyals for sale Replies: 0; Forum: Maplestory Private Servers; Selling MapleRoyals ~ Coursair ~ lvl 13X+ We have what you need for you! Corsair account available at the best price It is a clean account, write to me for more information For Corsairs lovers, an excellent option. ago. An unofficial website to search the drops of MapleRoyals. Offline Tim Administrator. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. Lv 143 BS, clean account, no washing or good. Note: After you click the “Vote” button , you don’t actually need to click the “Please click here to vote” link to redirect you to the vote server page to receive NX. Joined: Aug 22, 2018 Messages: 38 Likes Received: 67 Gender: Male Country Flag: As it currently stands, PPQ is a complete wall of any completionsists who want to try and get everything done on one. MapleRoyal? I read that Royal is the most populated server, is that true? Started a day ago and party places are empty a lot of the times. Vote Abuse - The act of attempting to, or successfully, bypassing the restrictions of voting no more than once per 24 hours. However, if one can pick a desirable condition, end-game funded F/P mage with swiss cheese against 15 fire weak mobs will deal 3m dmg per meteor. OK my experience now (30mins, before the servercheck came in just now) Here it is as follow 1 Bishop , 1 arch mage and 1 Marksman , and 1 attacker. Things I like: Smooth gameplay Drop rate/exp is reasonable Free market looks active Good amount of free nx. To whom it may concern - I have also been facing difficulties in voting for NX from time to time. Dreamms is the most vote to win of them all since you're not limited in terms of how many times you can vote in a day, or how much nx you can sell. 99999999% on these but want to be 100%. 83. People who are fine with the direction of Royals enjoy being able to vote and having a "comeback" while they're focused on school/work whereas they'd have nothing on Legends. Enter your information to login. IGN: BootyPlug. GitHub is where people build software. I dc instantly after choosing character. ideal exp rates, dank pqs, fun daily bosses -- chic community and strict but playful Staff to keep away the big bad wolves (RWTers and vote abusers and bot farms). Offers either strong damage, strong utility, or a combination of both. Second map was Under the Castle Walls 4. 2x EXP, and increased drop and meso rates. Quitting game due to work and lack of time to play. Gender: Male. Your Character Names: GunHoGun, Ranoa, Mushpop Last thing you did: Just advanced to 4th job, doing Battleship Canon quest Why do you think you got. r/MapleRoyals is an unofficial subreddit which offers players of the private server MapleRoyals a place where they can ask questions, discuss relevant information, and/or simply share memes. They use either Swords or Axes, but this guide will focus more on swords because they have a better damage output than axes which I will explain later. I definitely see myself playing this game for a VERY long time. Our previous private server was version 0. Maplestory Private Servers. A screenshot in-game or maplesim/bannedstory would be fine. Yellow, black. I know what legion is, what links skills are best, , star force, scrolling, potentials, boss mechanics but those are just the tip of the ice berg for this private server. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. Please make sure to include the name of the private server you're on. A GM updated Compendium that is a one-stop shop for all Royal's things. BBfong • 16 days ago. Personally speaking having hunted a majority of these, I can see Werewolves, Lycanthropes, Male Boss, D-Roy, and Rombot a little bit deserving of a buff in my opinion. Thx I can't. Keep up the good work!The questions should not be aimed at specific individuals, as we the Staff will decide on replies through cooperation and by majority vote. OldOwl, Mar 21, 2023. I don't think I posted a thread for it because I didn't know how to back then. Requirements: kill 4 Red Crocky guards time limit 1 hour. Find out more here. EXP rates get lower every rebirth. Because for all we know, you could have just as easily been using high-level characters on your brother's account to gain an unfair advantage or using his characters for vote abuse. You'll see people go offline and do nothing for 2 years, vote on 2 accounts in secret and by the time they're back they suddenly walk around with a perfect weapon. Now I have been banned for account sharing with "Heles". 1 reply Comment options {{title}} Something went wrong. It also is the most pay to win since you can buy hyper teleport rocks, miu miu, auto dispel gems and donor chairs that heal for 1. Punishment: Permanent ban. 14x Nightlord 12k hp / 15x Sair 9k HP - $200 15x Bishop - $150 16x Fire poison mage - $100 13x Bucc 21k hp Potential with some apr - $170 14x Dark Knight 30k hp - $150 All male characters, clean inventory with some untradeables. Royals feels like a grind after just about anything besides a vanilla server. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. have nothing that affects the game. Your household may only vote once per day. We could obtain 8000NX everyday by voting. #2: Mu Long medals will be included, if i obtain it, then it's done. Guild: Rog Gamer. When i counted the time remaining left to her next vote it corresponded with the time of my last vote. Pureval was elected to serve a four-year term. Dunno why people are spreading stuff like that. We need to spread the word! Would be great to fill up the whole server. Pienty ~ 171 Night Lord. Hundreds of hackers botting to lvl50 just to Vote for dollars and additional reasons to punish player due to it is definitely not healthy for the server. Newer Than: Search this forum only. Did you vote correctly by solving the captcha (the thing that requires you to turn the image upright)? "Trying to do better. 118 vote(s) 80. New York. In general, this tool will vote for all your accounts from a different IP address which means there is no connection between the vote abuse account to your main accounts. Get ready for surprises, exclusive rewards, and endless joy. Reade 2 & 3. 🧸 🧸 I have avaliable for you acounts clean, washed or unwashed beads at a good price, as you need it! If you want to start having. i liken it to the school of athens painting by raphael, philosophers chilling on the sewers. In 2009, Japan Maple Story added map 'Neo Tokyo'. It's a really dumb mechanic they're too stubborn to remove and it's caused the end of. ) I play Mapleroyal with my girlfriend (ign: xiaotessa) alot and sometimes we use each other laptop, but we never share our ID. You can view most item stats by searching the item name in the MapleRoyals library. . Join us today at /Bowmaster is a dex archer class part of the explorers class group. So I'm not sure what kind of logic you're trying to pull there. Asianic Bow 1452004: Req Level: 60: Req Stats: STR 65, DEX 185 Weapon Attack: 75 70 - 80 (Normal) 70 - 85 (Godly)13 vote(s) 8. 2) Vote abuse is definitely the most worrisome, I think the difference between "vote once per day" and "vote once per day per account" is quite subtle for non-native speakers and definitely needs to be highlighted more prominently. Rastorguev. Locked Sticky. . 即便是. ergoth's bane is unique to royals. Replies:Does it mean I can vote again if midnight passes in UTC or should I wait for 24 hours passed after voting even if UTC midnight passes? This might be a really basic question, but I really want to stay here as a good citizen of MapleRoyal!Settings. Guild: Acme. Ooh, black and yellow!Level: 200. So I made a paladin and lvled both sword and bw mastery/booster (didnt max bw booster though) and got to lvl 71 now. In response, MR staff has made a decision to lower the original EXP base multiplier from. Silver Deputy Star 1122014: Req Level: 50: Req Stats: - Weapon Def: 35 31 - 39 (Normal) 31 - 44 (Godly)Hi in looking for a server like MapleRoyal but way better that you can lvl up your cleric faster to get to Bishop. Good bye I luv u all Thank u for everything. Rules: . What should I do for completing this quest?MapleRoyals Bishop/Bucc Quitting Sales. Spoiler: LVL64 Weapons. Country Flag: Level: 190. Get ready for surprises, exclusive rewards, and endless joy. I am used to voting every day during my time zone around 11:00~13:00 (GMT+8hours) Most of the time I use my cellphone to complete the voting, only a few times by using my laptop. To troubleshoot, try updating your drivers and/or your operating system, as these could be causing the issue. (im not going to mention his name because i do not want to tarnish his reputation and the future of his MapleRoyal's Journey. Say goodbye to vote abuse and hello to hassle-free voting. Joined: Jun 14, 2016 Messages: 200 Likes Received: 200 Country Flag:anniversary 5th/6th. How to vote. Note: The purpose of the thread is not to serve as a direct-democracy vote on what should be done for the future, but rather to gauge the community's feelings on the topic, and to hopefully collectively learn something. New to Mapleroyal and looking to relief some of those old memories way back in the days. 62 Private MapleStory Server. Closed Didn't Receive NX. I uninstall all anti-virus and extracted it - the end result was still the same, the exe file gets deleted just a second it was extracted. People don't run around with smega's ''S>BWG 100bil''. depends on my schedule/motivation. Unable to Open my mapleroyal. A automates the voting process for MapleRoyals as much as possible. Here you are able to download the latest version of the game, using our interactive download wizard. By just click the “Vote” button on this page, you will receive NX. € 10 / per 6 users. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. This is the memory of my youth. Sire Member. 100m+ = 6%. I'm not a mercher so IDK if I'd trust it, but prices are generally from browsing FM and owls. drk is a great choice for a new player who has no funding, and is gonna self train all the way up. Decreased AP gain after first rebirth. Removed the post-skill stun-time for Paladin’s Heaven’s Hammer. your accounts are user1, user2, user3, user4. 3. I tried voting everyday, sometimes it will say i had voted already but i didnt receive any NX, so I try using my mobile phone instead. Thread by: asi raz , Aug 12, 2018 , 1 replies, in forum: Closed. This Guide will include Leeching Areas. MapleRoyals Auto Vote. 1. Maybe gocha just too funny that even it isn't the mainly way to gain NX compare to daily bossing but I just can't help quitting it T_T. People can make 100mil per hour standing AFK at voodoos with a bahamut killing voodoos using 6 clients. (Bosses and training spots) There would not less of an issue with leeching. 6. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. We should no longer have the dreaded quest/no drops glitch and other annoying bugs/glitches. Say. The prices are normal. 1. You can use this for cosmetic clothing, Pets, AP resets, Gachapon and more! Don't hesitate to do this. Bishops are high in demand, but if you. 2 percent of the vote. Level: 36. You voted on more than one of your accounts every 24-hours, giving you a significant advantage over every other player on this Server who follows the rules. This item can be bought from: Cutthroat Manny. Head to the South-East portal of Amoria and continue heading East until you reach Amos. 新玩家覺得自己練得到4轉:建議練英雄、主教 (在這伺服器建議練全智法師) 法師系的角色都不用洗血,但是冰雷和火毒幾乎沒有王團要,所以比較建議主教。. As far as I understand this guide does not work [MEDIA] for which this is the guide according to my opinion they are using it. Cleric is indeed one of the classes that makes the best money, good for a first char. That's just the maple community in general, not just Royals. Country Flag: Hello, You have been banned for Major Vote Abuse: Spoiler: MapleRoyals ToS Major Infractions: Major Vote Abuse. 70,321. it should only take a few mins for the nx to register to your account, anyways you could vote every 24 hours so maybe give it another go and also give it a try on a different account this time e: you could also record the process of you voting and checking for nx so we could try and find out if any steps went wrong. The previous hairstyle guide and faces guide contain broken images, so I decided to remake it. Spoiler: How to wash to 13k clean hp efficiently. It only takes 1 minute and nets you 8000 NX a day. This subreddit is not affiliated with the MapleRoyals owner, developers, administrators, and moderators. Big Headward in the Free Market has been updated with new Hairs and Faces: Map: Fixed Ola Ola maps. General 2x vote everytime GTOP100 website has issues. DISCLAIMER** This guide is pretty old and does not include any new features for. Thread. 3 vote(s) 3. - No vote abuse history - Old accounts with Long inactive period. This includes equips, etc, use items, and scrolls. Section 1. . By the way - good on you for not posting the person's IGN. CTV News has declared a Liberal minority government, and few seats in B. Suggested Party Composition . 3. Else you can just give the level 1 character gibberish name. 9% Keep it the way it is now! 26 vote(s) 17. Thread by: Aaronni1022 , Jun 26, 2020 , 19 replies, in forum: Ban Appeal. Welcome to MapleRoyals! We're thrilled to celebrate our 10th-year anniversary with you, marking a decade of amazing adventures and memories. Note: the 1st part of this quest is for level 15 and kinda sucks, but it's worth doing for both of these by level 25. Online Players: 181 Server Time (ST): 06:14 am 24 November, 2023 (Friday) Features. Open Selling 23/19/18/24 GZAK, 6STR/20DEX EP, 8STR/10DEX/2SLOTS GOGGLES, Stuff I Hoard. Automated voting system, imported NX, custom currency and scroll shop, and much more. I've not gotten the NX either today or yesterday, both times I attempted to vote around 22-23 hours between both times. What is vote abusing? You are vote abusing when you vote with more than 1 account per 24 hours. Trade able NX causes heavy vote abuse. . Hi, selling Mapleroyals mesos 1B coin = 9$ Payment: Paypal for more info, PM me in Discord vmmb#7021.